May 26, 2011

Something Photocopied

It was lying there, still.  The cool air blowing in the room hadn't reached it yet.  The four corners were on the surface of the copier as if they had been glued there.  She wasn't sure if she should look, take a peek at what was printed there.  She didn't know whose it was, or if it was anything at all.  Maybe it was blank.  Maybe it was important, and someone somewhere was looking for it.  Maybe it was nothing.  She walked over to the copier, with her own papers in hand.  Picking up the mystery sheet slowly, she turned it over.  On the other side there was a photograph of a couple.  They were on a beach.  Typical, she thought.  Underneath the photograph was a caption "What lives in me, lives in you, lives in us".  She had never heard that before.  She had never thought about things that this photo made her think about.  It brought memories of her grandparents.  It brought memories of seeing them so in love, the look in their eyes, the smile that reached across both their faces at once.  The moments when she'd visit them on summer holidays and they'd make her lemonade to drink at the beach.  It reminded her that even in a world so scary, and full of hate, there were people who cared.  People who laughed and sang.  People who took time to love.  She held the paper in her hands, the cool air of the room finally reaching her hair; blowing, like she were on the beach.  As she let go of the paper it floated into the garbage can nearby.  She glanced down at it and smiled. The photocopier started to whirr as she placed her sheets on the clear surface.  The same clear surface which had seen many things.  Many memories, letters, photographs, and many, many special words.

KS :)

prompt from : writeoneleaf

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