May 30, 2011


He sees her, just ahead.  The rain continues to pour down.  The fog slowly emerges on the cobblestone streets.  The window shops reflect the image he keeps seeing, the image he traces with each foot step forward.  Her reflection gets distorted with every window pane.  It shatters in the broken glass of an old soap shop.  It dances across the mirrors in the old artistry shop window.  It glides by on the smooth glass of every nearby car and fades into the darkness of the dingy abandoned shop windows.  The world seems to be in a grayscale to him, everything black and white.  Everything dull and without light.  Except her umbrella.  It shines in the lack of light.  It’s reflection on the sidewalk below oozes with colour.  It’s transparency lets the light through it, creating the brightest of shadows on the dullest of days.  She holds it close, as if afraid a drop of rain might somehow get past it and onto her black clothing.  Onto her skin.  They’ve walked a good two blocks by now, the time passing slowly.  He checks his watch after getting a glimpse of the town clock tower in the distance.  He’s late for work again.  He’s walked past it again.  He’s walked past his work.  For a minute he keeps trailing her though.  The crimson reflection of her umbrella continually catching his eye.  Quickly he turns around, as if to have had a wall placed suddenly in front of him.  He has to get to work.  The colour slowly fades into the distance as they now walk in the opposite directions.  The streets dull colours wait to be painted with life.



May 26, 2011

Something Photocopied

It was lying there, still.  The cool air blowing in the room hadn't reached it yet.  The four corners were on the surface of the copier as if they had been glued there.  She wasn't sure if she should look, take a peek at what was printed there.  She didn't know whose it was, or if it was anything at all.  Maybe it was blank.  Maybe it was important, and someone somewhere was looking for it.  Maybe it was nothing.  She walked over to the copier, with her own papers in hand.  Picking up the mystery sheet slowly, she turned it over.  On the other side there was a photograph of a couple.  They were on a beach.  Typical, she thought.  Underneath the photograph was a caption "What lives in me, lives in you, lives in us".  She had never heard that before.  She had never thought about things that this photo made her think about.  It brought memories of her grandparents.  It brought memories of seeing them so in love, the look in their eyes, the smile that reached across both their faces at once.  The moments when she'd visit them on summer holidays and they'd make her lemonade to drink at the beach.  It reminded her that even in a world so scary, and full of hate, there were people who cared.  People who laughed and sang.  People who took time to love.  She held the paper in her hands, the cool air of the room finally reaching her hair; blowing, like she were on the beach.  As she let go of the paper it floated into the garbage can nearby.  She glanced down at it and smiled. The photocopier started to whirr as she placed her sheets on the clear surface.  The same clear surface which had seen many things.  Many memories, letters, photographs, and many, many special words.

KS :)

prompt from : writeoneleaf

May 25, 2011

Write One Leaf - that contains magic

It’s raining outside. The dull light coming though my window doesn’t lighten the mood. The temperature is on the rise.  The fireflies twinkle and dance in the moonlight outside.  There’s a haze and I can’t quite see to the other side of the lake.  Nothing is getting in this storms way.  It’s coming, the storm.  The thunder crashes in the distance.  The trees whistle as the wind picks up.  I make my way outside.  It’s colder than I had expected.  As I walk in the meadow, the woods surrounding grow darker and darker.  The noise of the forest echoes in my mind.  The fireflies don’t seem to care about the rain starting to pour down.  Heavier with each moment.  But slowly, they disappear.  The moonlight starts to get brighter, it pierces through the haze and casts shadows of anything in its path.  The night seems to move in slow motion as the stars slowly show their presence.  What a mystical, magical, wonderful time to breathe.

I felt like doing some creative writing about a week ago,  ^ ^ ^ here it is .

If you're wondering what 'write one leaf' is ... it's a blog that gives you prompts for writing everyday.

May 22, 2011

That's the difference.

It's all about money.  It's all about the 'job'

But I ask you, what do you really think a job is ? Don't you think it should be something you enjoy ? Something you want to do ?

I do.

But generations older than mine, most of the time, believe a 'job' is something to earn you money only, not something to enjoy.

I think a job, if hunted out, and tried for enough, can be something you love, something you want to pursue.

And most of all, when someone tells me, don't you think that'll be hard?  You can't do that.  What kind of a job would you get doing that ?

All I can think is: yeah, it might be hard, but that's what I want, and I'm going to try as best I can to get it.
 Thanks for the support. (if you didn't catch the sarcasm there, now you know)

Thought over.

May 20, 2011

When I make good looking food, I take photos of it.  I don't know exactly why, maybe because I like photography, and it's just another excuse to take a picture, or maybe because I want to be able to show someone how good that dessert looked that one time.

So, I thought I'd share a photo.  This was Thursday's dessert, triple chocolate ice cream in a waffle bowl with raspberries and chocolate sauce, I can admit it was super delicious :D

May 19, 2011


I thought I'd share some music I like, and finally bought tonight.

But don't be scared when I say it's classical piano !

It fits more in the contemporary classical category.

It's by an awesome (that's of coures in my opinion) artist - Ludovico Einaudi

He's still alive by the way, just in case anyone still thinks that all classical music super old and all the composers are dead.

Here are my personal favourites so far, from what I've heard of his music :

I've got the piano sheet music for I giorni, and it's really nice to actually play, I hope to get more of his sheet music because in person, actually playing it, it's even better.

I find it really calming.

& if this music wasn't your style, that's fine ! Just take a listen and see, you never know, right?

I'd call myself someone who listens to pretty much all types of music, I have my favourites but I'd say I like pretty much all the genres.

Anyway, if you did end up liking it, awesome! I'm glad I could show it to you!  